Elegant sea snake
A species of Graceful small-headed seasnake, Also known as Elegant or bar-bellied seasnake Scientific name : Hydrophis elegans Genus : Graceful small-headed seasnake
Elegant sea snake, A species of Graceful small-headed seasnake
Also known as:
Elegant or bar-bellied seasnake
Scientific name: Hydrophis elegans
Genus: Graceful small-headed seasnake
Description General Info


The elegant sea snake (Hydrophis elegans) is a highly venomous sea snake in the family Elapidae. They are found off the coast of Western Australia, Northern Territory of Australia, and Queensland Australia.

General Info

7-8 years
Elegant sea snake is a slender, elongated sea snake, reaching lengths of up to 1.5 meters. It's skin is covered in smooth, tightly-fitted scales that exhibit a vivid blue and black banding pattern. The head is small with large eyes, and it possess a compressed, paddle-like tail for efficient swimming. There is no significant difference in physical appearance between males and females, or with age.
Elegant sea snake is a predominantly solitary species, highly venomous showing crepuscular and nocturnal feeding habits. It tends to hunt near the water surface, attracting prey using its tail. It features a unique defensive behavior, coiling up and lifting its body off the surface when threatened.

Scientific Classification