Short sea snake
A species of Graceful small-headed seasnake, Also known as Hardwicke's sea snake Scientific name : Hydrophis curtus Genus : Graceful small-headed seasnake
Short sea snake, A species of Graceful small-headed seasnake
Also known as:
Hardwicke's sea snake
Scientific name: Hydrophis curtus
Genus: Graceful small-headed seasnake
Description General Info


Hydrophis curtus, also known as Shaw's Sea Snake, short sea snake, Hardwickeâs sea snake, or spine-bellied sea snake, but often includes Hydrophis hardwickii is a species of sea snake. Like all Hydrophiinae sea snakes, it is a viviparous, fully marine, and front fanged elapid that is highly venomous. It is collected for a variety of purposes including human and animal food, for medicinal purposes and for their skin.

General Info

5-10 years
Short sea snake primarily nourishes itself on a diet of small to medium fishes. It prominently displays a specialised feeding behavior towards eels and elongate fish, reflecting an adaption to its marine habitat.
Short sea snake is a small, slender sea snake averaging 1 meter in length. Its scaly skin is noticeably light blue to grey in color, sometimes adorned with broad, uneven yellow bands. As a distinctive feature, it has a shortened body, unique to this species. Sexual dimorphism is not evident in appearance.
Short sea snake is a nocturnal, solitary sea snake that hunts primarily small fish using a sit-and-wait strategy. Although highly venomous, this species is relatively placid and tends not to engage in aggressive behavior due to its small size. It has adapted to its underwater environment with special behaviors such as a tail that functions as a paddle for swift movements.

Scientific Classification