Stephens's banded snake
A species of Hoplocephalus Scientific name : Hoplocephalus stephensii Genus : Hoplocephalus
Stephens's banded snake, A species of Hoplocephalus
Scientific name: Hoplocephalus stephensii
Genus: Hoplocephalus
Description General Info


Stephens's banded snake is a nocturnal snake species indigenous to Australia's east coast. Known for its venomous bite used predominantly in predation rather than defense, it employs a sit-and-wait hunting strategy, targeting small mammals and reptiles. A unique individual temperature calibration facilitates this creature's survival in viviparous reproduction, testament to its adaptability in fluctuating environments.

General Info

12-20 years
Stephens's banded snake is a carnivorous species predominantly consuming small lizards. This nocturnal hunter also preys on frogs, small mammals, and invertebrates, providing a varied and balanced diet.
Stephens's banded snake is a medium-sized snake seen with a slender body. Its skin is covered in scales radiating a dominant dark brown color, contrasted with irregularly scattered light yellow bands. Juvenile individuals exhibit brighter coloration. It lacks any appendages typical of mammals like horns, wings or tails. No significant physical differences between genders or subspecies have been observed in this species.
Stephens's banded snake is a primarily nocturnal animal, emerging from rocky crevices at twilight to forage for food. Typically solitary outside of mating season, it demonstrates territorial behavior, often hissing and raising its body to deter intruders. Its distinctive sideward strike is a unique defensive behavior highlighting its survival adaptations.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Elapids Genus
Hoplocephalus Species
Stephens's banded snake