Holcosus undulatus pulcher
A species of Holcosus Scientific name : Holcosus undulatus pulcher Genus : Holcosus
Holcosus undulatus pulcher, A species of Holcosus
Scientific name: Holcosus undulatus pulcher
Genus: Holcosus
Description General Info


Holcosus undulatus pulcher is a fascinating reptile, notable for its arboreal tendencies and preference for occupying the rainforest understory. Equally captivating is its thermoregulatory behavior, spending the cooler hours basking in sunlight amid the lower-level foliage, and exhibiting crepuscular activity to avoid peak temperatures. A specialist in the unique ecological niche, the species contributes to the overall success of the rainforest ecosystem.

General Info

8-10 years
Holcosus undulatus pulcher predominantly consume a diet of insects, specifically crickets and mealworms. They are also known for their appetite for small vertebrates, such as frogs and lizards, providing essential nutrients.
Holcosus undulatus pulcher is a medium-sized, robust lizard with a somewhat flattened body. It boasts a vibrant, undulating pattern of bright green and black stripes, particularly noticeable on its dorsal side. The tail is long and thick, matching the body's striking pattern. Distinctively, mature males exhibit a pronounced gular pouch, which is less conspicuous in females and juveniles.
Holcosus undulatus pulcher is a diurnal species often found foraging during daylight hours. It is notably solitary, avoiding social groupings. A territorial creature, holcosus undulatus pulcher exhibits aggressive displays when defending its domain. It is also known for its unique bobbing movement, a signature behavioral trait of this species.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Whiptails Genus
Holcosus Species
Holcosus undulatus pulcher