Delicate ameiva
A species of Holcosus Scientific name : Holcosus leptophrys Genus : Holcosus
Delicate ameiva, A species of Holcosus
Scientific name: Holcosus leptophrys
Genus: Holcosus
Description General Info


The delicate ameiva or delicate whiptail (Holcosus leptophrys) is a species of whiptail lizard found in Panama and Costa Rica to Colombia.

General Info

4-8 years
Delicate ameiva primarily consumes a carnivorous diet, specializing in hunting and devouring various invertebrates. Notably, spiders and insects form a significant part of their nutritional intake.
Delicate ameiva is a medium-sized lizard, featuring a slender, elongated body covered in rough, scaly skin. It is primarily green, with distinct yellow or orange stripes running from its snout to tail. Its long, tapering tail is a noticeable feature. Juveniles are darker in color and become brighter with age. There are no significant differences between males and females in terms of appearance.
Delicate ameiva is a highly active diurnal reptile, displaying alert foraging behaviors. This species is notable for its territoriality, often marking areas with scent from specialized glands and defending them fiercely. Usually solitary, individuals exhibit unique head-bobbing behaviors when encountering others of their species.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Whiptails Genus
Holcosus Species
Delicate ameiva