Two-toed earless skink
A species of Hemiergis Scientific name : Hemiergis quadrilineata Genus : Hemiergis
Two-toed earless skink, A species of Hemiergis
Scientific name: Hemiergis quadrilineata
Genus: Hemiergis
Description General Info


Two-toed earless skink is an expert at subterranean survival, primarily inhabiting sandy soils where it leverages its proficiency at burrowing to evade predators and extreme weather conditions. Its diet comprises mostly invertebrates, which it captures using its superb hearing and heightened sensitivity to ground vibrations. This allows two-toed earless skink to play a critical role in regulating invertebrate populations in its ecosystem.

General Info

5-10 years
Two-toed earless skink's diet predominantly comprises invertebrates, having a marked preference for small arthropods and insects. Out of necessity or opportunity, it additionally adopts a diet of soft-bodied prey such as larvae and earthworms.
Two-toed earless skink is a small, slender reptile with smooth, dry skin. Its body is predominantly brown with four distinctive parallel stripes running along its back, fading to a paler underbelly. It is a type of skink, thus showcasing four short legs and a long, tapering tail. There are no notable differences in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies.
Two-toed earless skink is a terrestrial, diurnal lizard known for active foraging. It employs 'sit-and-wait' tactics, poised for unsuspecting prey. It exhibits solitary behavior, interaction limited to mating periods. In hostile environments, they exhibit efficient burrowing for protection, highlighting their adaptive skills. Two-toed earless skink is not territorial, which contributes to widespread distribution. Retreat rate increases in warm months, suggesting sensitivity to temperature changes.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Hemiergis Species
Two-toed earless skink