Lowlands earless skink
A species of Hemiergis, Also known as Four-toed skink Scientific name : Hemiergis peronii Genus : Hemiergis
Lowlands earless skink, A species of Hemiergis
Also known as:
Four-toed skink
Scientific name: Hemiergis peronii
Genus: Hemiergis
Description General Info


The four-toed earless skink (Hemiergis peronii ), also known commonly as Péron's earless skink, the lowlands earless skink, or the four-toed mulch skink, is a viviparous earless skink endemic to southern Australia.

General Info

5-8 years
The diet of lowlands earless skink primarily consists of tiny invertebrates. This species shows a strong preference for small ants and termites, leveraging their strong jaws to effectively consume these arthropods.
The lowlands earless skink is a moderate-sized skink with a sleek, cylindrical body covered in smooth, glossy scales. It ranges from sand-coloured to mottled brown, which enables it to blend in with its surroundings. Its most striking feature is the diversity in foot morphology, with both pentadactyl and tetradactyl individuals existing within the same population. Both genders appear identical visually, and no changes in appearance occur with age.
Lowlands earless skink is predominantly a solitary stirrer, utilizing unique paddling actions to drive itself through sandy environments. Active during the day, it uses its specialized limbs for rapid burrowing when faced with threats, showcasing an effective survival behavior adapted for its arid habitat.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Hemiergis Species
Lowlands earless skink