Southwestern earless skink
A species of Hemiergis Scientific name : Hemiergis initialis Genus : Hemiergis
Southwestern earless skink, A species of Hemiergis
Scientific name: Hemiergis initialis
Genus: Hemiergis
Description General Info


The southwestern earless skink (Hemiergis initialis) is a species of skink found in South Australia and Western Australia.

General Info

5-8 years
Southwestern earless skink primarily sustains itself on small insects, particularly devouring ants and termites with voracious enthusiasm. Exploiting its agility and speedy reflexes, it captures prey through a swift, surprise attack.
Southwestern earless skink is a small reptile characterized by its short, stocky body. Its smooth, scaled skin is primarily sandy or light brown, providing useful camouflage in its natural environment. Unlike many reptiles, it possesses no defining features such as horns or a distinct tail. Males, females, and juveniles show no significant differences in appearance.
Southwestern earless skink is a fairly solitary species, known for its unique burrowing behavior to evade predators and seek shelter. As a cold-blooded creature, it spends much time basking in sunlight for thermoregulation. Primarily insectivorous, it showcases an active hunting strategy, using its keen senses and quick responses to capture prey.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Hemiergis Species
Southwestern earless skink