Mainland three-toed earless skink
A species of Hemiergis Scientific name : Hemiergis decresiensis Genus : Hemiergis
Mainland three-toed earless skink, A species of Hemiergis
Scientific name: Hemiergis decresiensis
Genus: Hemiergis
Description General Info


The three-toed earless skink, Hemiergis decresiensis, is a viviparous earless skink from southeastern Australia. It is common in swamp gum forest.

General Info

3-5 years
Mainland three-toed earless skink is a predominantly insectivorous species. It feeds mainly on small invertebrates, particularly small arthropods such as insects, small crustaceans and arachnids, in addition to consuming plant matter on occasion.
Mainland three-toed earless skink is a small, slender skink characterized by its smooth, shiny scales. It primarily displays a brown coloration, often tinged with an olive hue and accompanied by irregular, lighter stripes on the body sides. This skink has four short legs and a long, tapering tail. There are no notable differences in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies.
Mainland three-toed earless skink is largely fossorial, preferring to spend its day buried in soft sand. This skink surfaces mainly during the cooler parts of the day to hunt small invertebrates. Mainland three-toed earless skink displays distinct territorial behavior, aggressively defending its burrows. With no prominent social structure, it exhibits solitary behavior.

Scientific Classification