Hebius vibakari vibakari
A species of Asian keelbacks Scientific name : Hebius vibakari vibakari Genus : Asian keelbacks
Hebius vibakari vibakari, A species of Asian keelbacks
Scientific name: Hebius vibakari vibakari
Genus: Asian keelbacks
Description General Info


Hebius vibakari vibakari is distinguished for its unique dietary behavior, specializing in aquatic insects and small fish, a trait adapted to its riparian habitat and semi-aquatic lifestyle. Notably, it implements a sit-and-wait hunting strategy, demonstrating exceptional patience and precision. Its presence in riparian ecosystems indicates a healthy, biodiverse environment, as it thrives in clean, unpolluted water systems.

General Info

7-10 years
Hebius vibakari vibakari is primarily insectivorous, feeding extensively on arthropods. It displays a preference for earthworms and larvae, along with small crustaceans when available, suggesting opportunistic behavior.
The hebius vibakari vibakari is a medium-sized snake with a slender body. Its skin, covered in smooth, glossy scales, varies between brown and black hues. This snake stands out for its distinctive pattern of large yellow-rimmed, black spots running down its back. There are no significant differences in appearance due to age, gender or subspecies.
Hebius vibakari vibakari is an nocturnal, solitary species known for its sit-and-wait foraging technique. It displays unique defensive behaviors, coiling its body into loops when threatened to appear larger. The species exhibits great adaptability, living in various terrains such as forests, grasslands, and even human-inhabited areas. Males display aggression during mating season, with combat often occurring over females.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Natricinae Genus
Asian keelbacks Species
Hebius vibakari vibakari