Rosebelly earth snake
A species of Latin american earth snakes Scientific name : Geophis rhodogaster Genus : Latin american earth snakes
Rosebelly earth snake, A species of Latin american earth snakes
Scientific name: Geophis rhodogaster
Genus: Latin american earth snakes
Description General Info


The rosebelly earth snake is a very small, non-venomous snake that originates in subtropical and tropical Mexico and Central America. It can be found in humid and wet habitats, mostly in forests, where it lives partly on the ground, and partly under the ground. This snake is sometimes seen in gardens, coffee plantations, and other urban places.

General Info

3-10 years
Rosebelly earth snake primarily subsists on a diet of earthworms. With nocturnal feeding habits, this species zeroes in on its prey, using its special adaptations to unearth and capture earthworms concealed beneath the soil.
Rosebelly earth snake is a small, slender snake with smooth, glossy scales. It measures 12 to 20 cm in length. The dorsal surface exhibits a bright red color, while the ventral side is pinkish red with gray or brown spots. The tail tip, slightly pointed, is yellow or cream. No significant appearance differences are noted due to age, gender, or subspecies.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Dipsadinae Species
Rosebelly earth snake