Moon snake
A species of Furina Scientific name : Furina ornata Genus : Furina
Moon snake, A species of Furina
Scientific name: Furina ornata
Genus: Furina
Description General Info


The orange-naped snake (Furina ornata), also known as the moon snake, is a small venomous reptile native to northern and northwestern Australia.

General Info

5-7 years
Moon snake primarily subsists on a remarkably specific dietary intake, mainly consisting of skinks. Their foraging behavior exhibits a distinct predilection for terrestrial, smooth-scaled reptiles, which form the bulk of their sustenance.
Moon snake is a small, compact insect with a sleek, cylindrical body. Its exoskeleton, highly ornate and vibrant, has brilliant metallic hues of blue, green and black. Noticeably, it has short antennae and two pairs of wings, with the hindwings being smaller. It is characterized by its elaborate patterns and rich coloration, which vary insignificantly between males and females. Its life stages, however, have distinct appearances with the larvae being less colorful than adults.
Moon snake is a nocturnal and terrestrial species that exhibits a high degree of territoriality. It actively forages at night, seeking out its prey using highly developed olfactory senses. Known for its solitary nature, moon snake only interacts with others during the breeding season, otherwise defending its territory fiercely.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Elapids Genus
Furina Species
Moon snake