Nicobar island skink
A species of Asian mabuyas Scientific name : Eutropis rugifera Genus : Asian mabuyas
Nicobar island skink, A species of Asian mabuyas
Scientific name: Eutropis rugifera
Genus: Asian mabuyas
Description General Info


Eutropis rugifera, variously known as Nicobar Island skink or rough-scaled sun skink, is a species of skink from southeastern Asia.

General Info

6-8 years
Nicobar island skink is an insectivorous reptile, primarily consuming arthropods. Its diet is largely composed of ants, beetles, and spiders. Occasionally, soft-bodied insects and larvae also form part of its dietary input.
Nicobar island skink is a medium-sized skink with an elongated, gently streamlined body and a sturdy tail. It's covered in sleek, smooth scales that exhibit a dominant brownish hue, with darker brown or blackish mottling across the back and sides. Noticeable ridges run longitudinally along the body, lending a rugged texture. The underside is paler, typically yellowish or cream. There are no substantial differences in appearance attributed to age, gender, or subspecies.
Nicobar island skink is a diurnal skink known for basking activities in the daytime and burrowing at night. This species is solitary, typically engaging in territorial disputes with conspecifics. Nicobar island skink implements visual signals and physical aggression to mark territories. Its survival skills include exceptional alertness and speed to escape from predators.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Asian mabuyas Species
Nicobar island skink