Rough mabuya
A species of Asian mabuyas Scientific name : Eutropis rudis Genus : Asian mabuyas
Rough mabuya, A species of Asian mabuyas
Scientific name: Eutropis rudis
Genus: Asian mabuyas
Description General Info


The rough mabuya or brown mabuya (Eutropis rudis) is a species of skink. It is found in the Maritime Southeast Asia: Indonesia (Borneo, Sumatra, Mentawai Islands, Java, Sulawesi), Malaysia (Sarawak), Philippine Islands, Sulu Islands, as well as on the Nicobar islands of India.

General Info

6-8 years
Rough mabuya primarily feeds on small arthropods such as insects and spiders. With keen hunting skills, it actively searches for preys in leaf litter, maintaining a complex omnivorous diet enriched with plant material.
Rough mabuya is a small, slender reptile with a tapering tail and rough, scaly skin. It typically displays a dull, brownish-gray coloration, often broken up with irregular, darker markings along the body. The underbelly of the reptile is usually lighter, almost cream-colored. There are no significant differences in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies among this species.
Rough mabuya is a secretive, diurnal species, known to possess a skittish disposition. It commonly exhibits solitary behavior, typically only coming into contact with others during mating season. Characterized by aggressive territorial tendencies, it uses scent-marking to denote its territory. Foraging predominantly on insects, it has adapted to be an exceptional climber, aiding survival in its densely vegetated habitat.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Asian mabuyas Species
Rough mabuya