Eutropis carinata lankae
A species of Asian mabuyas Scientific name : Eutropis carinata lankae Genus : Asian mabuyas
Eutropis carinata lankae, A species of Asian mabuyas
Scientific name: Eutropis carinata lankae
Genus: Asian mabuyas
Description General Info


The eutropis carinata lankae, an accomplished species in the realm of reptiles, possesses a remarkable ability to adapt to diverse environments, ranging from dry, semi-arid regions to lush, humid forests. Decidedly nocturnal, it exhibits an intriguing predation pattern, feeding primarily on insects, which is aided by its quick and agile movement. Interestingly, its proclivity for burrowing provides an efficient survival mechanism against daytime predators.

General Info

5-8 years
Eutropis carinata lankae predominantly feeds on small invertebrates, with arthropods constituting a significant portion of its diet. It exhibits a preference for insects, specifically ants, beetles, and spiders, exhibiting optimal foraging behavior.
Eutropis carinata lankae is a small to medium-sized skink, characterized by its elongated, streamlined body. This reptile is covered in glossy, scaly skin which is primarily brownish-grey. Distinct dark stripes run lengthwise from its snout to the tip of its tail, which is long and tapers to a point. Sexual dimorphism is not pronounced, making males and females appear similar. Young individuals are often brighter in color.
Eutropis carinata lankae is a primarily diurnal, predominantly terrestrial species that exhibits active foraging habits. Known for its solitary tendencies, interactions among the species are typically rare except during mating. Occupying defined territories, it shows negligible territorial aggression. Its survival strategies involve remarkable adaptability to diverse environments, and swift, proficient climbing abilities.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Asian mabuyas Species
Eutropis carinata lankae