Eumeces schneideri zarudnyi
A species of Ceylon tree skink Scientific name : Eumeces schneideri zarudnyi Genus : Ceylon tree skink
Eumeces schneideri zarudnyi, A species of Ceylon tree skink
Scientific name: Eumeces schneideri zarudnyi
Genus: Ceylon tree skink
Description General Info


Eumeces schneideri zarudnyi is renowned for a fascinating behavior: facultative parthenogenesis, the capacity to reproduce without fertilization. This adaptation is critical in low-density or isolated populations, enhancing survival chances by overcoming mating scarcity. Additionally, eumeces schneideri zarudnyi sports high ecotoxicological resistance, allowing survival in contaminated environments - a critical attribute in its arid habitats, where water can often carry pollutants.

General Info

5-8 years
In their natural habitats, eumeces schneideri zarudnyi predominantly consume arthropods, specialising in beetles and spiders. They also integrate various other insects into their staple diet, displaying an opportunistic feeding style.
Eumeces schneideri zarudnyi is a medium-sized skink with a cylindrical body shape. Its skin, covered in smooth scales, is predominantly sandy-brown with dark dorsolateral stripes. A unique feature is its wide black stripe running from the eye to the body's mid-section. The juveniles possess brighter colors. There is no significant visual difference between genders.
Eumeces schneideri zarudnyi are solitary and territorial reptiles, prone to aggressive posturing when defending their areas. Known for their diurnal activity patterns, they actively forage for invertebrates during daylight hours. Notably, courtship in males involves distinctive rhythmic head bobbing and body arching.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Ceylon tree skink Species
Eumeces schneideri zarudnyi