Eumeces schneideri schneideri
A species of Ceylon tree skink Scientific name : Eumeces schneideri schneideri Genus : Ceylon tree skink
Eumeces schneideri schneideri, A species of Ceylon tree skink
Scientific name: Eumeces schneideri schneideri
Genus: Ceylon tree skink
Description General Info


Eumeces schneideri schneideri is an intriguing species, exhibiting remarkable behaviors and ecological traits. Characteristically, it is diurnal and active all year, making it a pivotal member of its food webs. Its diet substantially consists of insects and other invertebrates, which it actively hunts, illustrating its role as a predator. Furthermore, eumeces schneideri schneideri employs an oviparous reproduction strategy, often laying eggs in burrows or beneath stones, a fascinating display of survival adaption in potentially hostile environments.

General Info

8-10 years
Eumeces schneideri schneideri primarily subsists on a diet of invertebrates, including various insect species and arachnids. Its predatory habits extend to small lizards, making it an opportunistic carnivore. Notably, this species shows a particular preference for beetles and spiders.
Eumeces schneideri schneideri is a medium-sized skink with a cylindrical body covered in smooth, glossy scales. It exhibits a rich, vibrant brown color with a noticeable yellowish stripe spanning from its head to tail. The belly area displays a contrasting light yellow or off-white hue. Both sexes share similar characteristics while juveniles are characterized by more vivid colors.
Eumeces schneideri schneideri is a diurnal and predominantly solitary species, noted for its burrowing habits, which is a protective measure against predators. It exhibits a territorial behavior and defends its burrow fiercely. Uniquely, it can also exhibit tail autotomy when threatened, detaching its tail to confuse predators, a clear adaptation for survival in its arid habitat.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Ceylon tree skink Species
Eumeces schneideri schneideri