Schneider's skink
A species of Ceylon tree skink Scientific name : Eumeces schneideri princeps Genus : Ceylon tree skink
Schneider's skink, A species of Ceylon tree skink
Scientific name: Eumeces schneideri princeps
Genus: Ceylon tree skink
Description General Info


Schneider's skink is an intriguing reptile that employs active foraging behavior, hunting a variety of insects and worms in its eastern European habitats. Known for its remarkable thermoregulatory behaviors, schneider's skink conspicuously basks in the sun, optimizing internal body temperature and digestion. These behaviors showcase its adaptability and vital role in pest control.

General Info

12-19 years
Schneider's skink primarily sustains on invertebrates, predominantly arachnids and insects. It shows a particular preference for beetles and orthopterans, skillfully hunting and consuming them in their natural habitats.
Schneider's skink is a medium-sized skink with a slender, elongated body covered in glossy, smooth scales. Its primary coloration is bright yellow-orange on the upper body, fading to a more reddish hue towards the tail. The lower body is dusty white, and sparse, dark longitudinal lines are presented from head to tail. Schneider's skink possesses a long, tapering tail and conspicuously small limbs. No significant differences are visible between ages, genders, or subspecies.
Schneider's skink exhibits primarily diurnal habits, with significant basking periods for thermoregulation. Known for a solitary nature aside from mating periods, they demonstrate aggressive behavior when provoked and maintain strictly demarcated territories. Schneider's skink is an active forager, feeding on a diverse diet including insects and plants, adapted superbly to a variable desert environment.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Ceylon tree skink Species
Schneider's skink