Eumeces schneideri pavimentatus
A species of Ceylon tree skink Scientific name : Eumeces schneideri pavimentatus Genus : Ceylon tree skink
Eumeces schneideri pavimentatus, A species of Ceylon tree skink
Scientific name: Eumeces schneideri pavimentatus
Genus: Ceylon tree skink
Description General Info


Eumeces schneideri pavimentatus is a remarkable creature with intriguing adaptations. This species tends to be solitary animals, with males displaying territorial behaviors particularly during mating season. Ecologically, they play a key role in managing rodent and insect populations, highlighting their crucial function in ecosystem stability.

General Info

6-8 years
Eumeces schneideri pavimentatus is an insectivore, primarily preying on small arthropods, particularly spiders and caterpillars. It occasionally supplements its diet with soft-bodied invertebrates like earthworms and small gastropods.
Eumeces schneideri pavimentatus is a medium-sized skink, distinguished by a slick, shiny body surface. Its back is predominantly adorned with broad, dark longitudinal bands separated by narrow, yellowish stripes, extending from the neck to the tail. The creature's belly is lightly colored, complementing the vivid cerulean tail. Males exhibit more intense coloration than females, a sexual dimorphism observed especially in mating seasons.
Eumeces schneideri pavimentatus is an enigmatic reptile with nocturnal tendencies. Known to be solitary, it prefers dwelling in rocky terrains, leveraging camouflage for survival. As a foraging species, it exhibits efficient consumption of a variety of invertebrates and small mammals. It shows territorial instincts, particularly during the breeding season.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Ceylon tree skink Species
Eumeces schneideri pavimentatus