Eumeces schneideri barani
A species of Ceylon tree skink Scientific name : Eumeces schneideri barani Genus : Ceylon tree skink
Eumeces schneideri barani, A species of Ceylon tree skink
Scientific name: Eumeces schneideri barani
Genus: Ceylon tree skink
Description General Info


Eumeces schneideri barani is best known for its advanced burrowing abilities, employing a keen sense of touch and sensitivity to vibrations to navigate underground. This susceptibility permits it to rapidly detect predators and potential prey. It exhibits a unique adaptation to arid habitats, requiring minimal water for survival. Overconsumption and ambushing are two primary feeding strategies this animal employs, enhancing its ability to sustain in harsh environments.

General Info

8-10 years
Eumeces schneideri barani has an insectivorous diet, primarily preying on various types of insects. It has particular affinity for caterpillars, dogs, spiders and beetles. Occasionally it consumes small vertebrates and plant matter.
Eumeces schneideri barani is a medium-sized skink, exhibiting a robust, elongated body shape. It possesses smooth and shiny scales in hues of brown. Some individuals display darker, longitudinal lines on the sides. Its most unique feature is the vibrant blue coloration on the underside of the tail, especially distinct in young individuals. There is little difference between genders and age groups, apart from the more vivid tail coloration in younger skinks.
Eumeces schneideri barani is a non-social reptile primarily active during the day. Individuals are often spotted engaging in basking behavior on rocks or in sunlit areas to regulate body temperature, as well as foraging for insects and invertebrates. Territorial disputes usually ensue when the animals' respective regions of basking overlap.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Ceylon tree skink Species
Eumeces schneideri barani