Warm-temperate water-skink
A species of Water skinks, Also known as Yellow bellied water skink, Yellow-bellied Water Skink Scientific name : Eulamprus heatwolei Genus : Water skinks
Warm-temperate water-skink, A species of Water skinks
Also known as:
Yellow bellied water skink, Yellow-bellied Water Skink
Scientific name: Eulamprus heatwolei
Genus: Water skinks
Description General Info


The warm-temperate water-skink or Heatwole's water skink (Eulamprus heatwolei) is a species of skink found in New South Wales and Victoria in Australia.

General Info

12-20 years
Warm-temperate water-skink is a species eminent for its predominantly insectivorous alimentation, displaying a proclivity towards consuming insects such as crickets and beetles. Arachnids are also a noteworthy element in its diet.
Warm-temperate water-skink is a small, slender skink with a smooth, shiny skin. Its defining features are the bands of yellow and brown extending from the head to the tail. These reptiles usually have a greenish-blue tongue. There is no significant difference in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies. They possess a long, slender tail, proportionate to their body size.
Warm-temperate water-skink is a diurnal reptile, engaging in basking and foraging during daylight hours. It exhibits a solitary lifestyle with occasional aggressive interactions during the mating season. This species shows a unique adaptability, residing in a variety of habitats, including both terrestrial and aquatic environments. Remarkably, warm-temperate water-skink utilizes both visual displays and physical combat to assert territorial dominance.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Water skinks Species
Warm-temperate water-skink