Eryx miliaris nogaiorum
A species of True sand boa Scientific name : Eryx miliaris nogaiorum Genus : True sand boa
Eryx miliaris nogaiorum, A species of True sand boa
Scientific name: Eryx miliaris nogaiorum
Genus: True sand boa
Description General Info


Eryx miliaris nogaiorum is characterized by their nocturnal lifestyle, being most active during the twilight and night hours. Their key survival mechanism is burrowing into the ground to avoid predators and control absorption of heat, giving them a niche ecosystem in arid regions. Notably, they exhibit an ambush hunting technique to feed on rodents, their primary diet.

General Info

15-20 years
Eryx miliaris nogaiorum is an obligate carnivore primarily preying on small rodents in its natural habitat. It showcases a preference for voles, mice, and young rats, making these mammals significant components of its diet.
Eryx miliaris nogaiorum is a small-sized, cylindrical bodied snake, characterized by smooth, shiny scales. The predominant coloration is dark brown to black, overlaid with a pattern of lighter tan or blush bands. It lacks appendages like wings or horns but possesses a rather short, blunt tail. There's little variation in the appearance of males and females or between individuals of different ages.
Eryx miliaris nogaiorum are non-venomous, nocturnal reptiles known for their burrowing habits. Largely solitary, they forage for food primarily at night, using their keen senses for navigation. These snakes are relatively docile, rarely displaying territorial aggression. Instead, hiding and camouflage are their primary survival strategies in their natural environment.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Boas Genus
True sand boa Species
Eryx miliaris nogaiorum