Eryx miliaris miliaris
A species of True sand boa Scientific name : Eryx miliaris miliaris Genus : True sand boa
Eryx miliaris miliaris, A species of True sand boa
Scientific name: Eryx miliaris miliaris
Genus: True sand boa
Description General Info


Eryx miliaris miliaris is a diurnal and non-venomous reptile known to utilize constriction as a method of subduing its prey. It is strictly terrestrial, preferring sand-dune habitats where it constructs elaborate burrow systems. This subspecies exhibits a unique form of locomotion, known as 'sidewinding,' providing an important adaptation to mobility in its sandy environment.

General Info

10-20 years
Eryx miliaris miliaris predominantly relies on a diet of small mammals, particularly rodents such as mice and rats. This nocturnal constrictor exhibits an ambush predation strategy in securing these prey.
Eryx miliaris miliaris is a small, robust snake with smooth-scaled skin. Its primary coloration is gray-brown with black to dark brown rings, sometimes assuming an intricate, hieroglyphic pattern on the dorsal side. The underside typically exhibits light brown to white scales. They do not have any visually distinguishing features such as horns, wings, or long tails. There are no significant differences in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies.
Eryx miliaris miliaris demonstrates a solitary lifestyle, extensively nocturnal. This species is not aggressive, relying more on camouflage for protection in its natural sandy, rocky habitats. Characteristically, it's an ambush predator, waiting motionlessly for prey, striking swiftly when prey ventures near. Like most of its kind, eryx miliaris miliaris is ovoviviparous, bearing live young after internal incubation.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Boas Genus
True sand boa Species
Eryx miliaris miliaris