Dwarf sand boa
A species of True sand boa, Also known as Tartar sand boa Scientific name : Eryx miliaris Genus : True sand boa
Dwarf sand boa, A species of True sand boa
Also known as:
Tartar sand boa
Scientific name: Eryx miliaris
Genus: True sand boa
Description General Info


Eryx miliaris, known commonly as the Dwarf sand boa, is a species of snake in the Boidae family. The species is endemic to Asia.

General Info

8-10 years
Dwarf sand boa primarily sustains itself on a diet of insects and small vertebrates. This species exhibits an observable preference for eating lizards, but will also consume rodents and birds, if available.
Dwarf sand boa is a small-sized, non-venomous snake with a robust and cylindrical body. Its dorsal surface is typically sandy or light brown, interspersed with irregular, brick-red blotches running down its entire length. The underside is pale yellow. Its skin is smooth, with a heavy texture. There are no significant differences in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies.
Dwarf sand boa is a nocturnal, solitary creature, spending much of its time burrowing in sandy and rocky habitats. It ambushes prey with remarkable patience, using its specialized, shovel-like snout. Dwarf sand boa employs constriction to subdue its prey, typically small rodents and lizards. Territorially, gestures like 'mock-struggling' are common among males.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Boas Genus
True sand boa Species
Dwarf sand boa