Red sand boa
A species of True sand boa, Also known as Brown sandboa, Smooth sandboa Scientific name : Eryx johnii Genus : True sand boa
Red sand boa, A species of True sand boa
Also known as:
Brown sandboa, Smooth sandboa
Scientific name: Eryx johnii
Genus: True sand boa
Description General Info


Eryx johnii is a nonvenomous boa species endemic to Iran, Pakistan, and India. No subspecies are currently recognized.

General Info

15-25 years
The dietary habits of red sand boa primarily hinge on small vertebrates. These snakes favour rodents, particularly juvenile ones, along with an assortment of birds and lizards. Occasionally, they may also consume amphibians.
Red sand boa is a medium-sized, non-venomous snake with a heavy, cylindrical body. It has rough, keeled scales that are typically reddish-brown or rusty in color. Its body is marked by a series of dark, transverse bands which grow fainter towards the belly. It lacks any appendages, noticeable differences between genders, or prominent features like horns or wings. Juveniles are noticeably lighter, often sporting a yellowish hue.
Red sand boa is a nocturnal, non-venomous snake, notable for its distinctive sidewinding locomotion. It primarily preys on small rodents, employing ambush tactics aided by its camouflage. Solitary in nature, red sand boa exhibits aggressive posturing when threatened, but rarely strikes. Reproduction is ovoviviparous, with females giving birth to fully formed young.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Boas Genus
True sand boa Species
Red sand boa