Javelin sand boa
A species of True sand boa Scientific name : Eryx jaculus Genus : True sand boa
Javelin sand boa, A species of True sand boa
Scientific name: Eryx jaculus
Genus: True sand boa
Description General Info


Eryx jaculus, known commonly as the javelin sand boa, is a species of snake in the Boidae family. It is the type species of the genus Eryx.

General Info

15-20 years
Javelin sand boa is primarily an insectivorous species, feeding predominantly on various beetles, spiders, and scorpions. Its diet extends to small mammals, particularly during periods of higher protein demand.
Javelin sand boa is a small, slender snake with a length usually between 30 to 80 cm. It has a smooth, shiny skin showcasing a vivid, distinct pattern of alternating reddish-brown and cream diagonal bands. The species does not exhibit sexual dimorphism, and no apparent alterations in appearance are noted with aging.
Javelin sand boa is known for its unique 'sidewinding' locomotion, adapted for its arid desert habitat. As a solitary and nocturnal creature, it seeks shelter during the day and emerges at dusk to hunt. It tends to be relatively inactive, waiting strategically to ambush prey. Notably, javelin sand boa displays territoriality by posturing, hissing and striking, although rarely biting.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Boas Genus
True sand boa Species
Javelin sand boa