Black blind snake
A species of Epictia Scientific name : Epictia goudotii Genus : Epictia
Black blind snake, A species of Epictia
Scientific name: Epictia goudotii
Genus: Epictia
Description General Info


Black blind snake is a subterranean species, residing predominantly in moist, leaf-litter environments. Its fossorial nature facilitates its unique survival strategy of escaping predators by burrowing. Interestingly, black blind snake exhibits an oviparous reproduction strategy, a less common method among its chiefly viviparous brethren. These adaptive behaviors have significant implications for black blind snake's role in soil aeration and nutrient cycling.

General Info

10-15 years
Black blind snake is a specialist feeder, heavily relying on small arthropods. It is specifically adapted to consume termites and ants, utilizing its slender body for foraging in narrow spaces.
Black blind snake is a diminutive snake with a slender body, comfortably fitting into a hands' breadth. Its skin is smooth and glossy, featuring alternating bands of black and cream or pale yellow, making it resemble a banded pattern. A unique characteristic includes a pale-colored, dot-like marking on each black band. The animal displays no notable distinctions between genders, different ages, or subspecies.
Black blind snake is a secretive, nocturnal species that spends most of its time burrowing in loose soil. Predominantly solitary, it exhibits an elusive nature to avoid predators. The species forages underground, feeding primarily on soft-bodied invertebrates. Notably, black blind snake employs constriction to subdue its prey, indicative of its specialized hunting strategy.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Slender blind snakes Genus
Epictia Species
Black blind snake