Little brown snake
A species of Elapognathus Scientific name : Elapognathus minor Genus : Elapognathus
Little brown snake, A species of Elapognathus
Scientific name: Elapognathus minor
Genus: Elapognathus
Description General Info


The short-nosed snake (Elapognathus minor ) is a species of venomous snake in the family Elapidae. The species is endemic to Australia.

General Info

Little brown snake is a carnivorous snake, specialized in hunting small reptiles, particularly skinks. It employs an ambush strategy, waiting for prey before swiftly delivering a fast strike.
Little brown snake is a small snake, displaying a slender body structure. Its body is covered with smooth, glossy scales. The snake sports an unmarked, uniformly dark brown coloration all over, making it difficult to discern in the wild. It features an elongated snout that is characteristic of the species. No notable differences are discernible in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies.
Little brown snake is a shelter-dwelling species, spending a significant part of its day burrowed within the soil. It emerges primarily during the twilight hours to forage for food, displaying a propensity for earthworms and small invertebrates. A solitary creature, little brown snake's territorial behavior includes vigorous burrow defense and subtle scent marking. Adapted for subterranean life, its behavior promotes survival in harsh, arid environments.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Elapids Genus
Elapognathus Species
Little brown snake