Echis pyramidum pyramidum
A species of Saw-scaled vipers Scientific name : Echis pyramidum pyramidum Genus : Saw-scaled vipers
Echis pyramidum pyramidum, A species of Saw-scaled vipers
Scientific name: Echis pyramidum pyramidum
Genus: Saw-scaled vipers
Description General Info


Echis pyramidum pyramidum demonstrates nocturnal tendencies, using the cover of night to hunt for preys like rodents, lizards, and other small mammals. The venomous species employs a unique predatory strategy: it performs rapid 'saw-scaled' sideways movements to create noise, attracting curious prey towards it. Notably, echis pyramidum pyramidum is oviparous, with clutch sizes varying significantly depending on environmental conditions, underlining its adaptive reproductive competence.

General Info

5-15 years
Echis pyramidum pyramidum is a carnivorous species primarily feeding on small mammals, especially rodents. It signals exceptional hunting skills with a diet enriched by reptiles, birds, and even invertebrates such as insects and arachnids.
Echis pyramidum pyramidum is a small, slender snake with keeled scales, enhancing its rough texture. Adult lengths average around 70 cm. Its grey-brown coloration blends seamlessly into sandy desert environments, effectively camouflaging it. Crisscross patterns along its back are darker and sharply contrast with its lighter underbelly. The venomous fangs fold back when not in use and are located at the front of its jaw.
Echis pyramidum pyramidum is a nocturnal, predominantly solitary species with aggressive defensive behaviors. It employs a sidewinding locomotion for efficient desert movement. Renowned for its 'saw-scaled' defensive display, it rubs its coils together to produce an intimidating hissing sound when threatened. Echis pyramidum pyramidum uses active foraging techniques to hunt its prey, which primarily consists of small rodents and birds.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Vipers Genus
Saw-scaled vipers Species
Echis pyramidum pyramidum