Duberria lutrix atriventris
A species of African slug-eaters Scientific name : Duberria lutrix atriventris Genus : African slug-eaters
Duberria lutrix atriventris, A species of African slug-eaters
Scientific name: Duberria lutrix atriventris
Genus: African slug-eaters
Description General Info


Duberria lutrix atriventris is a fascinating creature known for its fossorial lifestyle, typically residing in subsurface burrows. As an insectivorous species, it relies heavily upon its robust sensory organs and rapid burst speed to locate and seize its prey, particularly under low-light conditions. This hunting adaptation indicates a significant role in the regulation of insect populations within its ecological niche.

General Info

8-10 years
Duberria lutrix atriventris's primary food source is earthworms, which it actively hunts by probing the soil with its head. It also feeds on soft-bodied insects and small slugs, rounding out a diet primarily of invertebrates.
Duberria lutrix atriventris is a small, slender snake characterized by smooth, shiny scales. It primarily exhibits a dark brown or black coloration with an off-white underbelly, integrating harmoniously into its subterranean lifestyle. Its distinctive pointed head separates from the narrow body, aiding its burrowing nature. The species displays little discernible difference in appearance between genders, ages, or subspecies.
Duberria lutrix atriventris are typically nocturnal, hunting for their prey, earthworms and insects, by moving slowly and carefully to surprise it. Jong individuals are observed to be more active during the day. This species is generally solitary, although they may form small family groups. Highly territorial, duberria lutrix atriventris uses scent glands to mark their habitats and tends to show assertive behaviours like hissing when threatened.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Lamprophiid snakes Genus
African slug-eaters Species
Duberria lutrix atriventris