White-lipped snake
A species of Drysdalia Scientific name : Drysdalia coronoides Genus : Drysdalia
White-lipped snake, A species of Drysdalia
Scientific name: Drysdalia coronoides
Genus: Drysdalia
Description General Info


The white-lipped snake (Drysdalia coronoides) is a small species of elapid snake that is endemic to south-eastern mainland Australia and Tasmania. It is the smallest of three species of snake found in Tasmania and is Australia's most cold-tolerant snake, even inhabiting areas on Mount Kosciuszko above the snow line. Growing to only about 40Â cm (16Â in) in length, this snake feeds almost exclusively on skinks. It belongs to the genus Drysdalia, and is often referred to as...

General Info

5-10 years
White-lipped snake is primarily an insectivorous species, feeding mainly on invertebrates. Its diet heavily encompasses various arthropods, especially spiders and insects. Interestingly, the species exhibits a particular preference for orthopterans like grasshoppers and crickets.
White-lipped snake is a small, slender snake with smooth scales. Its main coloration is light grey or brown, often featuring a faint, orange-brown midline stripe and/or scattered darker spots. The head displays an iconic black 'crown', while the underside is typically cream to light yellow. There are no significant differences in appearance between genders, ages, or subspecies.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Elapids Genus
Drysdalia Species
White-lipped snake