Bernier's striped snake
A species of Dromicodryas Scientific name : Dromicodryas bernieri Genus : Dromicodryas
Bernier's striped snake, A species of Dromicodryas
Scientific name: Dromicodryas bernieri
Genus: Dromicodryas
Description General Info


Bernier's striped snake is an arboreal and oviparous species of snake, exhibiting a unique trait of egg brooding by coiling around the clutch for protection. This nocturnal predator's diet primarily consists of small mammals, reflecting its skillful adaptation to the environment of Madagascar's dry deciduous forests. Bernier's striped snake's exceptional behaviors contribute to the complex biodiversity of its ecosystem.

General Info

5-10 years
Bernier's striped snake is a medium-sized snake with smooth, shinny skin, reaching lengths of up to 170 cm. Its slim body is primarily black, accented with irregular white stripes and spots along its entire length. Its small head, distinct from the neck, is pear-shaped. The snake doesn’t exhibit any significant differences in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies.
Bernier's striped snake exhibits a primarily nocturnal lifestyle, actively hunting and feeding during the night. This species exhibits a solitary behavior, with individuals maintaining exclusive territories. Stealthy and elusive, it utilizes its arboreal adaptation for ambush predation of smaller reptiles and amphibians within its habitat, exhibiting a distinctive survival behavior.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Lamprophiid snakes Genus
Dromicodryas Species
Bernier's striped snake