Thai flying dragon
A species of Flying lizards Scientific name : Draco taeniopterus Genus : Flying lizards
Thai flying dragon, A species of Flying lizards
Scientific name: Draco taeniopterus
Genus: Flying lizards
Description General Info


Draco is a genus of agamid lizards that are also known as flying lizards, flying dragons or gliding lizards. These lizards can move by gliding; their ribs and their connecting membrane may be extended to create "wings" (patagia), the hindlimbs are flattened and wing-like in cross-section, and a flap on the neck (the gular flag) serve as a horizontal stabilizers. Draco are arboreal insectivores.

General Info

5-8 years
Thai flying dragon exhibits a predominantly insectivorous diet, meaning it mainly consumes insects. Its preferred food items include ants and small beetles, which it actively hunts in its forest habitat. This specific dietary preference ensures a nutrient-rich intake, essential for the animal's energy demands and ecological role.
Thai flying dragon is a small, slender-bodied lizard with leathery skin. Its coloration varies from brown to dull olive-green, often exhibiting vertical stripes on the body. Most distinctive are the elongated lateral folds or 'wings' extending from the neck to tail, the upper side of which is darkly pigmented. Males and females display similar appearances. Juveniles are paler than adults but visually similar.
Thai flying dragon is a tree-dwelling species, predominately solitary by nature. To traverse forested environments, it employs gliding behaviors, facilitated by its expanded ribcage and skin flaps. Aggressively territorial, it uses visual signals to ward off rivals. It catches prey by launching surprise attacks from trees, demonstrating exceptional vertical agility.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Dragons Genus
Flying lizards Species
Thai flying dragon