Draco maculatus maculatus
A species of Flying lizards Scientific name : Draco maculatus maculatus Genus : Flying lizards
Draco maculatus maculatus, A species of Flying lizards
Scientific name: Draco maculatus maculatus
Genus: Flying lizards
Description General Info


Draco maculatus maculatus is a unique species notable for its incredible arboreal adaptations. It possesses a pronounced gliding ability, using patagial membranes to traverse forested habitats, maximizing energy efficiency. Additionally, draco maculatus maculatus exhibits fascinating territorial display behaviors, not uncommon in its kin, as males guard their boundaries aggressively to ensure mating and feeding dominance.

General Info

5-8 years
Draco maculatus maculatus predominantly feeds on small arthropods. It has a particular affinity for ants and termites, which constitute a substantial part of its diet, while supplementing with other small invertebrates when necessary.
Draco maculatus maculatus is a small, elongated lizard with a flattened body, enabling it to glide between trees. Its skin is predominately gray to brown, dotted with darker markings. Exceptionally, males bear a large, yellow throat fan, also referred as a "dewlap". With long, slender limbs and a large tail, it is adapted for arboreal life. Females and younger individuals tend to be less vibrantly colored than males.
Draco maculatus maculatus exhibits remarkable gliding behavior for locomotion, facilitated by extended fleshy skin between its ribs. Primarily herbivorous, this species forages for leaf-based food within its territorial treetop domain. It engages in intricate social displays, particularly males during mating season, including throat-flap extensions. Solitary by nature, their active aggression helps maintain territory, warning off fellow males. These behaviors reflect adaption to its arboreal habitat.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Dragons Genus
Flying lizards Species
Draco maculatus maculatus