Draco lineatus lineatus
A species of Flying lizards Scientific name : Draco lineatus lineatus Genus : Flying lizards
Draco lineatus lineatus, A species of Flying lizards
Scientific name: Draco lineatus lineatus
Genus: Flying lizards
Description General Info


Draco lineatus lineatus exhibits an unusual mode of locomotion, performing gliding flights using extended patagial membranes, a remarkable ecological adaptation for efficient movement in its forest habitat. Moreover, draco lineatus lineatus employs a specialized diet, feeding on ants and other tree-dwelling arthropods, thus playing an important role in controlling insect populations within its ecosystems.

General Info

5-8 years
Draco lineatus lineatus's diet predominantly consists of arthropods, with a significant part being small ants. Their expertise in aerial hunting allows them to consume faunal elements in the tree canopy, such as spiders and soft-bodied insects.
Draco lineatus lineatus is a small lizard characterized by elongated, slim body. Its skin is rough, providing perfect camouflage with its primary brownish-gray color interspersed with dark linear patterns. A key feature is its ribbon-like extensions on either side, used for gliding. There's no significant difference in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies.
Draco lineatus lineatus demonstrates unique gliding behavior, using extended skin flaps between limbs for in-air mobility within its arboreal habitat. This species is active during the day, foraging primarily for ants and termites. Typically solitary, draco lineatus lineatus is territorial, marking their presence through physical displays and vocalizations.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Dragons Genus
Flying lizards Species
Draco lineatus lineatus