Red bearded flying lizard
A species of Flying lizards Scientific name : Draco haematopogon Genus : Flying lizards
Red bearded flying lizard, A species of Flying lizards
Scientific name: Draco haematopogon
Genus: Flying lizards
Description General Info


Red bearded flying lizard exhibits a unique gliding ability, employing an extendible rib-cage that functions as a makeshift wings, to navigate through the canopy of the Southeast Asian forests they inhabit. The species shows a distinct sexual dimorphism in diet, with males specializing in ants and termites, while females primarily feed on arboreal invertebrates, highlighting their ecological significance in diverse trophic interactions.

General Info

5-8 years
Red bearded flying lizard relies mostly on a diet of tree-dwelling arthropods like small insects and spiders. Its specialized teeth allow it to grip and consume prey efficiently, enabling it to thrive in its arboreal habitat.
Red bearded flying lizard is a small, lizard-like reptile with a brilliant body hue of red on the males while females are brown. This creature's most striking feature is its extendable, ribbed 'wings' used for gliding, and its flattened body, adapted for life in trees. They have a small row of spiky scales down their back and buff-colored undersides. The males adorn a large red throat flap, or dewlap, which they flaunt to attract females.
Red bearded flying lizard exhibits unique gliding behavior leveraging skin flaps between its ribs. Its diet largely consists of ants and termites. Being diurnal, it is most active during the day. Highly territorial, red bearded flying lizard signals warnings via its brightly colored gular flap. The species is solitary except during mating season when courtship behaviors are observed.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Dragons Genus
Flying lizards Species
Red bearded flying lizard