Guyana caiman lizard
A species of Caiman lizards Scientific name : Dracaena guianensis Genus : Caiman lizards
Guyana caiman lizard, A species of Caiman lizards
Scientific name: Dracaena guianensis
Genus: Caiman lizards
Description General Info


The northern caiman lizard, Dracaena guianensis, is a species of lizard found in northern South America.

General Info

20-25 years
The species guyana caiman lizard is predominantly carnivorous, hunting small invertebrates and insects. It particularly favors worms and crickets but also incorporates fruit and vegetables, such as berries and greens, in its diet for balanced nutrition.
Guyana caiman lizard is a mid-sized reptile, with an elongated, slim body covered in smooth scales. Predominantly green, its skin is adorned with vertical, irregular blue or teal stripes, providing a perfect forest camouflage. It has a long, prehensile tail and a pointed, triangular-shaped head. A notable feature is the crested scales running down its spine, adding to its unique profile. There are no major differences in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies.
Guyana caiman lizard exhibits a predominantly arboreal lifestyle, spending most of its time in tree foliage in a solitary manner. Its primary behavior includes daytime basking and nocturnal foraging for food, typically insects and smaller vertebrates. Noteworthy is the animal's defensive behavior: when threatened, it expands its body and displays strikingly bright, warning colors.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Whiptails Genus
Caiman lizards Species
Guyana caiman lizard