Black mamba
A species of Mambas, Also known as Black current Scientific name : Dendroaspis polylepis Genus : Mambas
Black mamba, A species of Mambas
Also known as:
Black current
Scientific name: Dendroaspis polylepis
Genus: Mambas
Description General Info


The black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis) is a highly venomous snake endemic to parts of sub-Saharan Africa. Skin colour varies from grey to dark brown. Juvenile black mambas tend to be paler than adults and darken with age. It is the longest species of venomous snake indigenous to the African continent; mature specimens generally exceed 2 meters (6.6Â ft) and commonly attain 3 meters (9.8Â ft). Specimens of 4.3 to 4.5 meters (14.1 to 14.8Â ft) have been reported.

General Info

11-12 years
Black mamba is a strictly carnivorous species, its diet primarily composed of other small reptiles like snakes, lizards, and occasionally amphibians. Notably, it has a preference for various species within the Pseudaspis genera.
Black mamba is a long and slender animal, with a body length reaching up to 2.5 meters. It has smooth and glossy scales, primarily dark grey to black in color. These scales transition to a lighter color on the belly. Its most distinctive feature is its large, coffin-shaped head distinct from the neck. This species does not have any notable variations in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies.
Black mamba is a primarily solitary species with a diurnal activity pattern. It hunts for food actively rather than relying on ambush, using its potent venom to subdue prey. Exhibiting territorial behavior, black mamba defends its zone aggressively against intruders. It has no specific mating season, and males often engage in physical combat for access to females.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Elapids Genus
Mambas Species
Black mamba