Black whip snake
A species of Whip snakes Scientific name : Demansia vestigiata Genus : Whip snakes
Black whip snake, A species of Whip snakes
Scientific name: Demansia vestigiata
Genus: Whip snakes
Description General Info


The lesser black whipsnake (Demansia vestigiata) is a species of venomous snake in the family Elapidae.

General Info

10-15 years
Black whip snake primarily feasts on snakes, including small elapids. This slender whipsnake has an affinity for eating venomous prey, contributing to its survival in the predatory ecosystem of Australia.
Black whip snake is a slender and small-sized snake, averaging between 60-80cm long. Their body is a smooth, polished black with a series of high-contrast yellow vertebral stripes running lengthwise. They have elongated, slender heads with large, dark eyes bordered by a thin yellow ring. There is no significant difference in the appearance based on age or gender.
Black whip snake showcases diurnal behavior, actively foraging and hunting during daylight, favouring small mammals and reptiles. Displaying solitary tendencies, they are known for their distinctive head-flattening when threatened. They do not demonstrate complex social interactions or specific territorial marking behaviors.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Elapids Genus
Whip snakes Species
Black whip snake