Yellow-faced whipsnake
A species of Whip snakes Scientific name : Demansia psammophis Genus : Whip snakes
Yellow-faced whipsnake, A species of Whip snakes
Scientific name: Demansia psammophis
Genus: Whip snakes
Description General Info


The yellow-faced whip snake (Demansia psammophis) is a species of venomous snake in the family Elapidae, a family containing many dangerous snakes.

General Info

10-15 years
Yellow-faced whipsnake primarily consumes reptiles, with special preference for small lizards and snakes. Its active, diurnal lifestyle aids in hunting these cold-blooded animals, taking advantage of their sluggishness during cooler hours.
Yellow-faced whipsnake is a slender, medium-sized snake with smooth scales. It displays a spectacular yellow and black banding pattern throughout its body that helps it camouflage in sandy habitats. This snake's distinctly sharp snout is an identifying feature, while its size ranges between 600-800mm on average. There is no significant difference in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies.
Yellow-faced whipsnake exhibits distinctive diurnal and predatory behaviors, hunting mainly small lizards. Practicing an ambush strategy, it awaits its prey with patience and precision. An agile climber, yellow-faced whipsnake also ascends vegetation to forage. Renowned as solitary species, any social interaction mainly occurs during the mating season. Its survival strategy involves rapid flight when threatened.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Elapids Genus
Whip snakes Species
Yellow-faced whipsnake