Demansia papuensis papuensis
A species of Whip snakes Scientific name : Demansia papuensis papuensis Genus : Whip snakes
Demansia papuensis papuensis, A species of Whip snakes
Scientific name: Demansia papuensis papuensis
Genus: Whip snakes
Description General Info


Inhabiting the diverse ecologies of Papua New Guinea, demansia papuensis papuensis is a unique species of elapid snake. Known for its fast-moving and agile hunting strategies, it effectively captures and incapacitates its prey through venomous bites. Remarkably, demansia papuensis papuensis also possesses an innate resistance to its own highly potent neurotoxin, showcasing a dynamic adaptation to its ecological niche.

General Info

7-10 years
Demansia papuensis papuensis feeds mainly on small reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates. It specifically targets skinks and geckos, but also consumes frogs and various arthropods, highlighting a predominantly carnivorous diet.
Demansia papuensis papuensis is a slender, medium-sized snake with smooth, glossy scales. Its body showcases a distinctive black coloration contrasted by a white or silver underbelly, while its head bears a prominent coppery-red hue. Specific to this subspecies, a distinctive black stripe runs from the eye to the corner of the mouth. No significant differences in appearance exist due to age or gender.
Demansia papuensis papuensis is a solitary, highly venomous species often found foraging in daylight. This alert and fast moving snake exhibits a unique defensive display by raising its neck region. Territorial markings aren't observed. Key survival behaviors include its agility and venomous bite.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Elapids Genus
Whip snakes Species
Demansia papuensis papuensis