Papuan whipsnake
A species of Whip snakes Scientific name : Demansia papuensis Genus : Whip snakes
Papuan whipsnake, A species of Whip snakes
Scientific name: Demansia papuensis
Genus: Whip snakes
Description General Info


The greater black whipsnake (Demansia papuensis) is a species of venomous snake in the family Elapidae.

General Info

5-10 years
Papuan whipsnake is a specialized carnivore, feeding mainly on ectothermic prey, particularly small lizards. It locates its quarry through active foraging, using its acute sight and keen sense of smell.
Papuan whipsnake is a small, slender snake with smooth scales. Its primary color is a vibrant orange or reddish-brown, punctuated by irregular black bands. It features a distinct, elongated tail which is deceptive to predators, appearing like a second head. The sexes and age classes are similar in appearance, with minimal differences.
Papuan whipsnake exhibits a semi-arboreal lifestyle, adept at climbing and often found in trees. This elusive species is known for its rapid, fast-moving nature, specifically during hunting. As a venomous snake, it uses venom to immobilize prey. Solitary in nature, it shows marked territorial behavior. Its distinctive survival behavior includes a striking visually deceptive warning display when threatened.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Elapids Genus
Whip snakes Species
Papuan whipsnake