Spotted dragon
A species of Comb-bearing dragons Scientific name : Ctenophorus maculatus Genus : Comb-bearing dragons
Spotted dragon, A species of Comb-bearing dragons
Scientific name: Ctenophorus maculatus
Genus: Comb-bearing dragons
Description General Info


Ctenophorus maculatus, commonly known as the spotted military dragon, spotted dragon, or spotted sand-dragon is a species of agamid lizard occurring in semi-arid to arid shrublands and hummock grasslands of Western Australia and a small part of South Australia.

General Info

3-5 years
Spotted dragon predominantly feeds on a diverse range of insects. This species specifically favours ants, beetles, and spiders for sustenance, leveraging its high agility to efficiently hunt and consume its prey.
Spotted dragoni is a medium-sized lizard with a streamlined body and smooth, scaly skin. Its base coloration of dusty grey is accentuated by numerous black spots across the body. Formidable legs and a long, tapering tail add agility to its movements, while a distinctive dewlap under the throat adds uniqueness. Males often exhibit brighter, more pronounced coloration, particularly during breeding seasons.
Spotted dragon is a diurnal creature, exhibiting basking, shuttling, and intraspecific aggression. It presents a unique tail-waving display to assert territorial dominance and communicates visually. Its solitary nature increases during breeding season when males defend their territory vigorously. Adapted to arid desert conditions, it has developed specialized thermoregulation tactics.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Dragons Genus
Comb-bearing dragons Species
Spotted dragon