Crotalus willardi obscurus
A species of Rattlesnakes Scientific name : Crotalus willardi obscurus Genus : Rattlesnakes
Crotalus willardi obscurus, A species of Rattlesnakes
Scientific name: Crotalus willardi obscurus
Genus: Rattlesnakes
Description General Info


Crotalus willardi obscurus exhibits a conservatism with its energy, staying in much the same area its entire life. A primary stratagem involves retiring under rocks in cool recesses during the day to avoid predators and the harsh desert sun alike. Intake of sustenance typically revolves around small mammals, which are swiftly immobilized by its potent venom, surmounting the difficulty of actively hunting in a resource-poor environment.

General Info

10-20 years
Crotalus willardi obscurus predominantly feeds on small mammals such as mice and voles. Occasionally, it also preys on birds and reptiles, employing an ambush tactic and utilizing its venom to kill its prey.
The crotalus willardi obscurus is a medium-sized venomous rattlesnake with a muscular, elongated body covered in rough, ridged skin. Muted in color, it sports shades of faded taupe with dark-brown rectangular blotches lining its back, providing ideal camouflage in the dry, rocky environments it inhabits. Its most distinctive feature is a unique black tail, tipped with a characteristic rattle. There are no significant differences in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies.
Crotalus willardi obscurus is a nocturnal, solitary creature that employs ambush strategy for hunting small mammals. It's largely sedentary, preferentially using rock crevices for shelter and hibernation. Defensive behavior includes a distinctive rattle and sudden strikes.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Vipers Genus
Rattlesnakes Species
Crotalus willardi obscurus