San lorenzo island rattlesnake
A species of Rattlesnakes Scientific name : Crotalus ruber lorenzoensis Genus : Rattlesnakes
San lorenzo island rattlesnake, A species of Rattlesnakes
Scientific name: Crotalus ruber lorenzoensis
Genus: Rattlesnakes
Description General Info


San lorenzo island rattlesnake is a nocturnal, venomous snake known for its distinct ambush predatory behaviour. It employs a sit-and-wait strategy to catch unsuspecting small mammals, its primary food source. Highly adapted to survive in the harsh, dry conditions of the islands of Baja California, this species significantly contributes to maintaining the ecological balance by regulating the population of small mammals.

General Info

15-20 years
San lorenzo island rattlesnake primarily feeds on small mammals, such as mice and rats. Its keen sense of vibration detection aids in efficiently locating and entrapping these prey, contributing to its successful foraging habits.
San lorenzo island rattlesnake is a medium-sized pit viper, with a stout body, a broad head clearly wider than its neck, and rough, scaly skin. Its coloration is mainly reddish-brown, adorned with darker diamond-shaped blotches. It has a distinctive 'rattle' at the end of its tail. No significant visual differences arise due to age, gender, or subspecies.
San lorenzo island rattlesnake exhibits solitary and nocturnal behavior. Noted for its ambush predation, it remains motionless and camouflaged in its rocky, desert habitat, striking swiftly when prey approaches. Social interaction includes complex mating rituals and occasionally, male combat during the breeding season. Its survival is facilitated by inactivity during the blisteringly hot season and hibernation in winter.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Vipers Genus
Rattlesnakes Species
San lorenzo island rattlesnake