Crotalus ruber exsul
A species of Rattlesnakes Scientific name : Crotalus ruber exsul Genus : Rattlesnakes
Crotalus ruber exsul, A species of Rattlesnakes
Scientific name: Crotalus ruber exsul
Genus: Rattlesnakes
Description General Info


Crotalus ruber exsul is an intriguing reptile, widely recognized for its venomous bite, which it harnesses in consummate defenses and predatory techniques. Although solitary in nature, it communicates indirectly with its peers via pheromones, facilitating mate selection. Furthermore, it favors dry habitats, specifically chaparral and desert scrublands, exhibiting impressive adaptability to arid conditions and varying temperatures throughout its life.

General Info

15-20 years
Crotalus ruber exsul is a carnivorous reptile, primarily feeding on small mammals like squirrels and rabbits. It prefers live prey, predominantly nocturnal in its hunting endeavors, given its highly venomous nature.
The crotalus ruber exsul is a medium-large, heavy-bodied snake with thick and rough scales. Its color ranges from brown to reddish-brown, patterned with darker, irregularly shaped crossbands. Males tend to be larger, more vibrantly colored, and have wider heads than females. It possesses a distinctive rattling tail and a pair of hollowed fangs capable of injecting venom.
Crotalus ruber exsul is a nocturnal, solitary species that employs ambush hunting tactics, lying in wait for prey. Noted for its distinctive rattle, it displays a threat display when disturbed, shaking its tail to produce a rattling sound. Primarily terrestrial, it is also an able climber. Mating occurs in spring and eggs are internally fertilized, with live young born later in the year.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Vipers Genus
Rattlesnakes Species
Crotalus ruber exsul