Crocodile tegu
A species of Crocodile tegus Scientific name : Crocodilurus amazonicus Genus : Crocodile tegus
Crocodile tegu, A species of Crocodile tegus
Scientific name: Crocodilurus amazonicus
Genus: Crocodile tegus
Description General Info


Crocodilurus is a lizard genus that belongs to the family Teiidae. It is monotypic, with only a single described species Crocodilurus amazonicus, the crocodile tegu. This semiaquatic lizard has a flattened, paddle-like tail and is found in the Amazon Basin and Guiana Shield in South America. It feeds on arthropods, amphibians, reptiles and fish.

General Info

15-20 years
Crocodile tegu is primarily a carnivorous species, preferring to dine on insects, especially aquatic beetles and grasshoppers. Additionally, individuals exhibit opportunistic consumption of fish and crustaceans when available.
Crocodile tegu is a medium-sized reptile known for its crocodile-like body shape. Its skin, mostly covered in rough, bumpy scales, shows shade variations from olive-green to brown. The tail is large, laterally compressed which helps in swimming, and its limbs are built for both climbing and terrestrial travel. Young ones bear brighter colors, fading to a more subdued tone as the animal ages. Distinguishing features identifiable to only this species are not prominent.
Crocodile tegu can be solitary or live in small groups on land and in trees, thanks to its semi-arboreal nature. As nocturnal hunters, they primarily feed on insects and small vertebrates. This species is territorial, with males often encountered alone guarding narrow home ranges. They exhibit 'tail-slapping' as a defense mechanism when threatened.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Whiptails Genus
Crocodile tegus Species
Crocodile tegu