South american spotted skink
A species of Copeoglossum, Also known as Mabuya nigropunctata Scientific name : Copeoglossum nigropunctatum Genus : Copeoglossum
South american spotted skink, A species of Copeoglossum
Also known as:
Mabuya nigropunctata
Scientific name: Copeoglossum nigropunctatum
Genus: Copeoglossum
Description General Info


Copeoglossum nigropunctatum, also known as the black-spotted skink, common coppery mabuya, or South American spotted skink, is a species of skink found in South America. It has shiny bronze or copper skin, with a dark longitudinal stripe along each flank that is often bordered by cream-colored lines.

General Info

5-10 years
South american spotted skink is an insectivorous species, with a diet primarily consisting of various arthropods. This species displays a particular preference for beetles and spiders, but will also consume other small invertebrates when available.
South american spotted skink is a small lizard with a slender body and scaly skin. Its dominant coloration ranges from light brown to grayish hue embellished with dark, three-dimensional spots scattered on its back and tail. The tail is long and tapering which is significantly longer than its body length. No significant differences can be seen between the genders or across different life stages.
South american spotted skink exhibits nocturnal tendencies, primarily foraging at night for insects and fruits. This species is characterized by its solitary lifestyle outside of breeding season, demonstrating considerable territorial assertiveness. Their unique survival adaptation includes their potent skin toxins, used to dissuade potential predators within their native habitats.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Copeoglossum Species
South american spotted skink