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Coluber flagellum piceus

A species of Eastern racers
Scientific name : Coluber flagellum piceus Genus : Eastern racers

Coluber flagellum piceus, A species of Eastern racers
Scientific name: Coluber flagellum piceus
Genus: Eastern racers


Coluber flagellum piceus is a fascinating reptile that plays a remarkable role in the ecosystem as both a predator and a prey. This species is primarily nocturnal and diurnal, spending the majority of its waking hours hunting insects, small mammals, and birds using its acute sight and high agility. A unique fact about coluber flagellum piceus is its defense mechanism, it mimics rattlesnakes when threatened, shaking its tail vigorously to warn off potential enemies.

General Info


15-20 years


Coluber flagellum piceus is primarily a carnivorous species, predominantly feeding on rodents and lizards. Its special hunting and feeding strategies allow it to expertly subdue and consume various reptiles, smaller mammals, and amphibians.


Coluber flagellum piceus is a lengthy, slender snake with smooth scales. Its main coloration is a dark black-brown, often so dark it appears nearly black. A notable feature of this snake is its long, tapering tail. Patches of cream or white scales can be found along its lower sides and belly. There are no marked differences in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies.


Coluber flagellum piceus is a nocturnal snake known for its agility and swiftness. This solitary species actively hunts for food, employing tactics of ambush and direct attack. It uses vibrations and chemical cues to detect prey. Not being a territorial creature, coluber flagellum piceus roams large areas without specific boundaries, providing increased chances of locating prey. Coluber flagellum piceus performs a characteristic 'rat-tail' wagging, resembling a rattlesnake as a deceptive defensive behavior.
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