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Coluber constrictor helvigularis

A species of Eastern racers
Scientific name : Coluber constrictor helvigularis Genus : Eastern racers

Coluber constrictor helvigularis, A species of Eastern racers
Scientific name: Coluber constrictor helvigularis
Genus: Eastern racers
Coluber constrictor helvigularis (Coluber constrictor helvigularis) Photo By jaspersail , used under CC-BY-NC-4.0 /Cropped and compressed from original


Coluber constrictor helvigularis is an instantly captivating species due to its tendency for prolonged periods of dormancy, using a strategy known as brumation to survive harsh winter conditions. Interestingly, this creature is an opportunistic feeder, relying primarily on a diet of small mammals and showing distinct crepuscular feeding patterns, thus playing a critical role in local ecosystems by managing rodent populations.

General Info


7-10 years


The coluber constrictor helvigularis is a medium-sized slender snake with smooth scales. It features a striking vibrant orange color on its throat and black or dark brown base coloration, often displaying a patterning of lighter stripes along its body. The tail is long and tapered to a sharp point. These distinguishing colors and patterning can slightly vary based on the snake's age and geographical distribution, but there are no significant gender-specific appearance traits.


Coluber constrictor helvigularis is a principally solitary species, with highly developed predator avoidance and foraging behaviors. A nocturnal creature, it has adopted significant arboreal locomotion, frequently relying on vertical surfaces within its habitat. It's non-territorial, with individuals seldom engaging in conspicuous display. Coluber constrictor helvigularis practices crepuscular activity, being most active during dawn and dusk, a trait adapted for survival.
Coluber constrictor helvigularis (Coluber constrictor helvigularis) Coluber constrictor helvigularis (Coluber constrictor helvigularis) Photo By jaspersail , used under CC-BY-NC-4.0 /Cropped and compressed from original
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